Friday, October 3, 2014

What It's Like

This blog has officially been reborn! I've decided to delete all my old posts and restart this blog with my current updated protects.

First of all let me tickle your curiosity by telling you a little about me and what I'm all about. Like you really want to know and honestly this blog will most likely not be read until some of these projects are released to the public. 

If I finish them that is...
That's something else I will get into later on in this blog post.

I always trying to create something new and enjoyable for people to consume and to be entertained. I have created a lot of comics over the time and I have self published only two comics.

Over the time I have learned a lot of what to do and what not to do these days while coming up with new projects and either finishing them or not. I've spent eight years of my life following a pipe dream that at the time I had no idea what to expect while deluding myself from reality.

My dream in life was to be a full time comic book Artist so I could never work another nine to five job ever again while staying home all day drawing and writing while playing games and watching movies and listening to podcasts.

Man... What a dreamer I was ha! Well after wasting eight years of my life chasing this old dream of mine I eventually I realize just how miserable I really was taking a hobbie that I enjoyed doing as a kid and turning it into a forced labor nightmare. 

Now I'm not saying don't follow a dream or try to do something g with your craft but what I'm getting to is know where your talents lay and where you really are on a professional stand point and know your flaws and your potential. Never follow a pipe dream and never obsess over a talent that may possibly become much more but to understand its just something you do for fun and not for money nor for a future career.

So I've learned to re prioritize my life and my standards and I've put myself on a two year long hiatus. In doing so it has done two things...

1. Help me realize what's really important  in life and to recreate my passion and love for my hobbies.

2. Made me lazy... I find it really hard to keep myself dedicated and motivated in something these days because I've become so used to enjoying the simple things in life like family, friends and fun.

Now this isn't nessasrly a bad thing because I've been down this road before and I've been able to put myself back to the top of creative passion but the thing is I still have the abilities to do what I need to do these days because of all my past experiences and projects I've finished and the good 98% of projects I haven't finished.

Yes anyone who knows me especially my wife and closes friends can tell you that I tend to overwhelm myself with tons of projects that I would most likely will never finish nor get around to starting them. So now I've had to learn the hard way to start small and slow and know I can't do every little thing that pops up in my head even if it is something I know that could be gold.

That's the one bad thing about being an Artist or a Writer or Creator... There's so many things you wanna work on and release to the world yet you don't have enough time in this world to do them all and that's something I think all people to quickly come to terms with. Otherwise you're just gonna suffer in your own creative mess...

Soooooo!!! Now that that is all said and done let me go ahead and try to quickly explain what this blog will actual be about. I'm using this blog to help put other people in the shoes of a Starving Artist's life so you can understand the joys and the hardships and Artist has to deal with while creating new stuff.

I will also be posting up other people's work such as local Artist's or people trying to do something with their hobbies that or throwing out my own personal critisizem about something.

Not that I have much to say and most people would get offended and say I am no where on the level to be giving an opinion but who cares. I have an opinion and I dare them to stop me from thinking the way I do.

There I go again thinking that people will care lol. No I dot have self esteem issues but I'm just being realistic.

So welcome to the blog and I hope that you enjoy it because I've got a lot of stuff planned out for this blog.


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